The Supreme Court launches a new electronic case filing system.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan has implemented a new system for electronically filing cases at the Institution Desk, marking a significant step towards digitization and increased efficiency in legal operations.

It is recommended that all advocates and parties to a case provide both a hard copy and a scanned soft copy of their applications and cases to the Principal Seat and Branch Registries as of March 17, 2025. According to a news release, the scanned copy can also be sent by email to or via USB.

The Supreme Court rewards lawsuits filed online with out-of-turn hearings. These cases are being planned and scheduled for hearing in the next two weeks.

“This initiative aims to improve accessibility and transparency throughout the judicial system, in addition to reducing paperwork and speeding up legal processes.”

The Supreme Court demonstrates its dedication to establishing a more efficient case management procedure by promoting wider usage of e-filing, which will ultimately guarantee that justice is served while significantly lowering transaction costs.

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