FinMin Aurangzeb demands that climate change be addressed immediately.

Muhammad Aurangzeb, the federal minister of finance, stated on Friday that the climate change issue requires urgent attention.
Speaking to a crowd on International Glacier Day here, he stated that the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution on glaciers in 2022, identifying population and climate change as Pakistan’s two most pressing issues and stressing the importance of making glacier protection a key component of national policy.
According to Aurangzeb, Pakistan needed the UN’s and its partners’ support to address environmental changes.
Over 3,000 glacial lakes in Pakistan, including 33 particularly dangerous ones, could burst, endangering over seven million people, he said.
The rising incidence of natural calamities, such as floods, is concerning, according to the finance minister. “There is an urgent need for a comprehensive strategy to address climate risks, and Pakistan is presenting the Glacier Protection and Resilience Strategy for public review,” the minister said.
According to Aurangzeb, Pakistan has suffered severe damage as a result of the terrible floods of 2022 and rising pollution levels. Addressing climate change requires immediate action. A national-level framework for climate strategy exists, but its implementation remains a major challenge, he concluded.