Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

May 1, 2023 – May 7, 2023 – Romance is in the air for you this month, Aquarius, starting when Juno enters Gemini on Monday, moving into your pleasure zone. From spring flings to creative partnerships, everything feels a little better when you’re with someone. This is a great time to share your big ideas with a partner and build an exciting future together.
Unfortunately, your career could take a dive during the lunar eclipse in your ambition zone on Friday. This intense full moon can make you jealous of other people’s success, which can hurt your career. Be happy for others and proud of your own success. You’re on your way.
There’s a strong possibility of taking on the caretaker role in the next few weeks after Venus enters Cancer on Sunday, moving into your service zone. Acts of service can become your new love language as you take care of others. Remember, all relationships involve give-and-take.