Aries Weekly Horoscope
Jun 20, 2022 – Jun 26, 2022 – Talk the talk today, Aries, as you use your passionate words to get anything you want when Mercury in Gemini sextiles Jupiter in your sign on Monday. Whether you’re charming the right people, getting coffee with a mentor or taking a class, you can get very lucky as your words lead to success.
Summer is here! But as the sun enters Cancer and moves into your home zone on Tuesday, you might want to stick close to home for some much-needed self-care. It’s a great time to hang around the neighborhood pool, lie in the sun or just relax for once.
Don’t worry, Aries, you’ll still do plenty of socializing when Venus enters Gemini on Wednesday, moving into your communication zone. This is a great time to call up your friends, befriend your neighbors or take a little road trip to visit siblings. Have fun!