Aries weekly horoscope

Mar 6, 2023 – Mar 12, 2023 – Your season is about to begin, Aries. In the calm before the storm of upcoming changes, the Virgo full moon on Tuesday is a great time to reflect on how far you’ve come. With the moon in your productivity zone, you’re encouraged to look at the habits you formed in August. They’re about to pay off.
Especially as you enter a period of endings when Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your subconscious zone. The next three years will be a time of healing as you set emotional boundaries in all areas of your life. This can be a lonely time of introspection, but it will be worth it.
However, you’ll be dealing with attachment issues when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your value zone. Being clingy won’t serve you well right now. Learn how to value yourself and your attachments without being too possessive.