Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Aug 15, 2022 – Aug 21, 2022 – Thursday brings the strong possibility of a raise when Venus in Leo trines Jupiter in Aries. Your drive for money is making you extra ambitious, but make sure you spend that money wisely or it won’t be enough to last you till fall.
Yikes, Cancer! Life could be a little rough for you when Mars enters Gemini on Saturday, and it will stay in your subconscious zone for the rest of the year. All your energy will be focused inward, making it hard to make decisions when you’re being pulled in every direction. Focus on taking care of yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually on your journey to self-acceptance.
You might want to take a break from your most intimate relationships when retrograde Vesta goes back in your transformation zone on Sunday. Certain relationships could have major boundary issues, and you might have trouble setting limits.