Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Dec 19, 2022 – Dec 25, 2022 – This is a great week to make some big career moves when Jupiter enters Aries, moving into your career zone on Tuesday. Your public image and reputation get a boost as you feel confident about the direction your life is going. Stay optimistic if you want to achieve your long-term goals. You got this, Cancer!
“Me” turns into “we” on the solstice as the sun enters Capricorn, moving into your partnership zone on Wednesday. Over the next four weeks you’ll focus all your time and attention on your relationships. From business partnerships to love affairs, work together to build a life you can be proud of.
Life starts feeling like a holiday rom-com toward the weekend during the new moon in Capricorn on Friday. This is a great time to start new partnerships and fall in love before the new year. Tell someone how you feel before Mercury turns retrograde on December 29.