Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Jan 9, 2023 – Jan 15, 2023 – After a period of running from your demons, you’re about to confront big emotions when Mars goes direct in your healing zone on Thursday. After a period in denial, it’s time to get deep into your subconscious mind and deal with your emotional wounds in private. Accept what you can’t change and move on.
However, while you keep a lot of your life private, your relationship status might get a public update when Juno enters Aries on Friday, moving into your public image zone. Whether you’re making your romance official or being offered a new job title, it’s time to stay devoted to your goals and make things happen out in the open.
Especially as love becomes a daring adventure when the sun in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. Everything is better with a buddy by your side, from attending classes to going on travel adventures.