Cancer Weekly Horoscope

May 1, 2023 – May 7, 2023 – May brings opportunities for deeper spiritual connections when Juno enters Gemini on Monday, moving into your subconscious zone. This is a great time to devote yourself to finding the right spiritual path for you. From doing Tarot readings to having a Reiki session to trying talk therapy, it’s time to dive into those feelings.

It’s a week for taking creative risks with the lunar eclipse in your creativity zone on Friday. This is a great time to express yourself, which could lead to a major breakthrough. Your muse could come out today and steer you to some of your best work. Just don’t lose yourself, Cancer.

End the week with some major self-care when Venus enters your sign on Sunday. You’re used to taking on the emotional energies of everyone around you, but you need to pamper yourself before your season begins. Nurture yourself so you can bloom into your full potential.

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