Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Jun 12, 2023 – Jun 18, 2023 – You might have to go your own way this week when Mercury in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces on Thursday. You might need to leave the group to learn more about yourself. Solo adventures can lead to self-discovery even if other people don’t get it.
In fact, before your season begins, spend the whole weekend recharging your social batteries during the Gemini new moon on Saturday. The moon in your privacy zone asks you to do some mental healing and practice self-acceptance. Don’t give away your secrets today, Cancer.
Negative thoughts could prevent you from moving on with your life when the sun in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Sunday. If you want to live your dream, you’ll need to go deep to figure out why those blocks are there and how you can move past them. Don’t be afraid to feel those feelings.