Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Feb 6, 2023 – Feb 12, 2023 – With the cold weather still upon us, you’re committed to being at home over the next few weeks as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your home zone. Give your private life some much-needed attention by connecting with loved ones, buying a home, or sticking with important connections.
However, don’t forget to put yourself out there when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your sign on Friday. You’ll be able to talk yourself up today, Capricorn, so this is a great day to meet new people. It’s an ideal time to go on dates, have job interviews, and post on social media.
After surviving the new year (and the retrograde), it’s finally time to take care of your budget when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your value zone. Think about unique ways to make money and consider what you really value in your life besides material goods.