Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Jun 26, 2023 – Jul 2, 2023 – You’re ending June on a romantic note when Mercury enters Cancer and your partnership zone on Monday and stays here for the next two weeks. Choose love, end any conflict that has been weighing you down, and learn to make peace. From asking someone out to planning a life together, this is a time for important connections.
Relationships can go smoothly if you sit down and talk when the sun in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday. Anything that has been bothering you can be healed with some basic communication, Capricorn. It’s also a great time to make contacts.
Start July on a romantic note when Mercury sextiles Jupiter on Saturday. This aspect will encourage you to take things to the next level in your relationships. This is an ideal day to ask out your crush and have some fun as you enjoy the season.