Doors open for discussion with supporters of the Constitution: PM

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has reiterated his government’s resolve to end terrorist activity and protect the security of the country in reaction to the growing wave of terrorism in Pakistan.

“The activities of terrorists will be completely eradicated from the country,” the prime minister said during a federal cabinet meeting on Tuesday. He also stated that terrorists had no place in this nation.

He declared his intention to travel to Balochistan shortly in order to have in-depth conversations with local officials and stakeholders and obtain a firsthand assessment of the situation. Over 50 Pakistanis, including numerous troops, have lost their lives in recent terrible tragedies, which coincide with the timing of this visit.

“Yesterday’s events are momentous, but the country will overcome these challenges with unity,” Shehbaz Sharif remarked. He stated unequivocally that the nation must exhibit unity and solidarity in order to identify and destroy those who support the state’s adversaries, and that they will not be tolerated.

“No lenient attitude will be taken with enemies in the guise of friends,” he stated. But he also said he was willing to talk to anybody who supports Pakistan and the Constitution. “Doors are open for dialogue only with those who believe in the Constitution and accept Pakistan,” he stated.

He stated that there was no possibility of weakness of any type and that “we have to move forward with firm intention.”

terrorism.Shehbaz referred to the latest terrorist attacks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan as “highly condemnable,” claiming that they attacked innocent Pakistanis. While acknowledging that the goal of these terrorist acts is to cause confusion and impede the country’s prosperity, he gave his word that the “dirty ambitions of terrorists will be crushed, and the entire nation is united to end terrorism”.

According to Prime Minister Sharif, “terrorist groups are operating from Afghanistan,” and there are effective operations being carried out to combat terrorists.

The Prime Minister commended the soldiers’ and Chief of Army Staff Gen. Asim Munir’s tenacity in putting an end to terrorism. “The time has come to put an end to terrorism,” Shehbaz Sharif said, asserting that terrorists’ primary goal is to impede the nation’s prosperity.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s (CPEC) strategic significance was emphasized by the prime minister. He reiterated his government’s commitment to safeguarding CPEC and other national interests. “Terrorists want to create distance between Pakistan and China and harm CPEC projects,” he said.

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