Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Oct 17, 2022 – Oct 23, 2022 – You’ve gotten a bit of a “hands-on” education over the summer, Gemini. But it’s time to apply that education with some real work when Saturn moves forward in your expansion zone on Saturday. Look back on your summer adventures and reflect on their lessons and how they changed your understanding of the world.

You’ll be entering a very productive period when the sun enters Scorpio on Sunday, moving into your habit zone. You want to improve yourself, and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do just that. However, be careful of tunnel vision. It could turn you into a perfectionist.

Remember to have people in your life to keep you grounded when Venus enters your habit zone on Sunday. This is a great time to find a fitness buddy who will go jogging with you but also help you gain clarity on what you can and cannot control.

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