Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Feb 20, 2023 – Feb 26, 2023 – You’re starting the week on a tense note when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. You want to travel solo, but everyone keeps bothering you. Getting a moment alone could be a struggle, so record your ideas on your phone or in your journal to feel some relief.
Fortunately, you’ll be able to go on an adventure when Mercury trines Mars in your sign on Wednesday. This aspect can help you find your passion, from discovering new subjects to going on a trip that will open your mind. Have fun!
End the week by getting deep in your feels when the moon conjoins Uranus in your subconscious zone on Saturday. This aspect brings some heavy emotions that might feel new and weird to you. These emotional changes could leave you wanting to be alone for the whole weekend, Gemini, but don’t let it lead to your undoing.