Leo Weekly Horoscope

Jan 9, 2023 – Jan 15, 2023 – After a stressful period, technology finally starts working again when Mars goes direct in your tech zone on Thursday, allowing you to log back in to the rest of the world. It’s also a great time to make changes that can help your community for the better. Windfalls come quickly, so you can breathe easy again.
This week also brings a lesson in intimacy when Juno enters Aries on Friday, moving into your expansion zone. As you learn more about relationships and attachments, you might think about forming a nontraditional relationship. Don’t knock it till you try it, Leo! As long as everyone is on the same page, have fun!
Friday also brings potential life changes when the sun in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces. All your hard work and good habits can transform your life for the better. Keep going as you become your best self.