Leo Weekly Horoscope

Apr 17, 2023 – Apr 23, 2023 – It’s time to spread your wings and go on an adventure during the Aries solar eclipse on Wednesday. With the new moon in your expansion zone, you’re open to new adventures and gaining a new understanding of important issues even if it changes your views. Discoveries lead you down a new path.
You’re also making grand plans when it comes to your future as the sun enters Taurus on Thursday, moving into your career zone. Your ambitions make you more responsible as you seriously think about what you want to achieve. Baby steps, Leo.
Especially since your reputation could be in harm’s way as Mercury turns retrograde in your public image zone on Friday. You could have a major case of foot-in-mouth disease over the next few weeks as everything you say publicly comes out wrong. Avoid job interviews, resumes, and public events. Create a new strategy.