Libra Weekly Horoscope

Jan 2, 2023 – Jan 8, 2023 – Cuffing season is in full swing this week when Venus enters Aquarius on Monday, moving into your pleasure zone. Over the next few weeks you’ll be looking into FWB situations, so start swiping on those dating apps. And don’t be afraid to get a little weird when expressing yourself.
Your love life continues to heat up when Venus sextiles Jupiter in Aries on Wednesday. Flirtations could easily turn into fulfilling relationships. Don’t be afraid to put all your cards on the table to level up your important relationships.
End the first week of 2023 by getting the attention you deserve during the full moon in Cancer on Friday. The moon will be in your public zone, helping you finally reach an achievement or honor that you’ve been working toward. Celebrate with your loved ones as you shine in the spotlight. You’ve earned it, Libra!