Libra Weekly Horoscope

Jan 16, 2023 – Jan 22, 2023 – After a stressful holiday season, family tensions ease when Mercury moves forward in your home zone on Wednesday. Get your domestic affairs in order and keep your private life private. Being at home can make you feel creative, so think about your space in new ways, especially if you’re doing some renovations.
And you’ll continue to feel creative when the sun enters Aquarius on Friday, moving into your pleasure zone. Over the next four weeks you’ll have the passion and energy to express yourself. Embrace your own uniqueness through your fashion, appearance, art, and hobbies.
End the week on an entertaining note when the new moon is in your pleasure zone on Saturday. Step outside your comfort zone to find your passion, Libra. This is a great night to start creative projects, learn skills, and begin a hot love affair that’ll keep you warm for the rest of the winter.