Michael Thompson, the principal of Aitchison College, resigns due to “political interference.”

Aitchison College’s principle Political meddling in his official duties is the reason Michael Thompson resigned from his position.
Due to their relocation to Islamabad, the family of Federal Minister Ahad Cheema requested that Aitchison College Principal Michael Thomson waive fees for the holidays. Thomson denied the request, but the Governor House Secretariat used their authority to issue a notification waiving the fee.
Aitchison College’s principal has declared his intention to leave Pakistan in protest.
In a letter, Michael Thompson stated that politics and recommendations have no place in schools since the authority is abused to the advantage of a select few.
Michael stated that he would quit his position on April 1st and stay away from administrative affairs because he felt that the Governor’s House’s decisions had caused problems in the administrative affairs and that he could not think of interfering needlessly in the renowned and prestigious school of Pakistan.
The governor of Punjab’s position
The topic of Aitchison College fee waivers for the children of Federal Minister Ahad Cheema has been brought to light in a different way by Punjab Governor Baligh-ur-Rehman’s exclusive interview with SAMAA TV.
Speaking with SAMAA, Baligh-ur-Rehman stated that Ahad Cheema’s children’s tuition remission was granted because they did not attend Aitchison College.
Ahad Cheema and his spouse moved to Islamabad; the kids had stopped attending Aitchison.
Despite their children moving to Islamabad and not attending Aitchison College, they chose to disregard the fee notification that was sent to them.
There will be no expenses once a student leaves school, according to a law the governor is creating.