“Nayab,” a cricket drama by Yumna Zaidi, will be screened during Jaipur Fest

Yumna Zaidi’s debut film, “Nayab,” is still making waves in the film industry. It is the product of Pakistan.

The picture has been selected to be screened at the forthcoming 9th Jaipur International Film Festival, which takes place from August 28 to 30, after its success at the Cannes Film Festival, where it won two important honors.

A young cricket player who faces many challenges in pursuing her passion for the game is the subject of “Nayab.” Viewers will find the film to be realistic and inspirational as it centers on the struggles faced by girls.

Yumna Zaidi, who plays the pivotal role of a middle-class teenage girl driven to follow her aspirations, does a fantastic job of depicting the character.

The Jaipur International Film Festival’s selection of “Nayab” demonstrates the actors and crew’s dedication and hard work.

Having made his feature film debut with “Nayab,” Umeer Nasir Ali has won the Cannes prize for “Best First Time Filmmaker (Feature).” The success of the film fills the team with pride.

“Nayab” won two important awards at the Cannes Film Festival: “Best First Time Filmmaker (Feature)” and “Best International Film.” To the film’s list of accomplishments, being selected for the Jaipur International Film Festival is an addition.

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