Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Dec 26, 2022 – Jan 1, 2023 – End the year on an adulting note by investing in your dream home when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday. Whether you’ve found the perfect place, you’re doing home repairs, or you’re filling your home with the people you love, start putting down some roots.
However, remember to keep your budget in mind when doing all of this, especially when Mercury goes into retrograde in your value zone on Thursday. The year 2022 might have been an expensive one, so take this time to look at your finances. You might need to change how you spend in 2023.
End the year by taking back your financial power when Venus conjoins Pluto on Saturday. This is a great day to work on personal resources, make money, or even take on a side hustle. Use your connections to make some power plays. You got this, Sagittarius!