Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Jan 16, 2023 – Jan 22, 2023 – Whoa, Sagittarius! After all that impulsive spending, you’re finally coming back down to earth when Mercury goes direct in your value zone on Wednesday. As the bills arrive, think logically about your budget and how to get out of the red. Work hard to earn the cash you need.
Even in the heart of winter your social life really picks up the pace when the sun enters Aquarius on Friday, moving into your communication zone. Over the next four weeks your social calendar quickly fills up with invites. Be the life of the party by sharing your stories.
Saturday is the busiest day of the week, with the new moon in your communication zone. This is a great day to attend classes, grab coffee with friends, and take a trip. Write down everything you want to achieve during this lunar cycle to manifest your intentions. Words can create your reality.