Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Feb 6, 2023 – Feb 12, 2023 – You’re starting the shortest month of the year on a fun note as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your pleasure zone. Over the next few weeks you’re committed to having plenty of fun, from dedicating yourself to your craft to focusing on being the best lover. Just follow your passion and see where it takes you, Sagittarius.
Now that we’re fully in the swing of the new year, this is an ideal time to think about your financial situation as Mercury conjoins Pluto in your value zone on Friday. You can transform your bank account by figuring out ways to save and thinking of what you can live without.
And you’ll be quick to come up with these money-saving ideas when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your communication zone. Logic and creativity go hand in hand as you learn to express yourself in interesting ways.