Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Jun 5, 2023 – Jun 11, 2023 – Venus enters Leo and your expansion zone on Monday, Sagittarius, so love is going to be a grand adventure this summer! This is an ideal time to go on a long vacation and explore new places that will make you burn with passion. Don’t be afraid to go the distance for the people you love.
Start your dream life when Mercury in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. This is an ideal time to look for your dream home, take steps to make your space sparkle, and even start some needed repairs. Don’t be afraid to put in the work.
Especially in relationships when Mercury enters Gemini and your partnership zone on Sunday. Change your thinking from “me” to “we,” because you’ll be thinking with another person in mind. This is a great time to enter business partnerships, resolve conflicts, and sign on the dotted line.