Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Jun 26, 2023 – Jul 2, 2023 – Conversations become deeper and more intimate over the next couple of weeks once Mercury enters Cancer and your intimacy zone on Monday. Let your intuition guide you through most conversations and you’ll uncover hidden meanings in spoken words. Trust your gut, Sagittarius.
Sharing is caring when Mercury sextiles Jupiter in Taurus on Saturday, because working together with others can make your life better. This can be a big day for productivity if everyone is willing to help. This is also a great day to ask for a loan and develop a partnership.
You want to go your own way, but that isn’t going to work out well when Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus on Sunday. Relationship needs might conflict with your own plans. Try to find a balance between the two to keep the peace. Compromise is the key to happiness right now.