Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Mar 13, 2023 – Mar 19, 2023 – It’s reality versus fantasy this week when Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. The life you thought you were creating for yourself isn’t the life you’re living. You might need to make some changes that could harsh your vibe, Scorpio, but they’re ultimately for the best.
Start spring a little early when Venus enters Taurus and your partnership zone on Thursday. Love is ready to bloom as you value collaboration in all areas of your life. This is a great time to level up relationships, make deals, and nail down a solid contract.
However, you need to get your life and thoughts together before the new season officially starts as Mercury enters Aries and your habit zone on Saturday. Think about ways to be productive and how you can better yourself. Develop some innovative habits that will save you precious time. New season, new you!