Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Apr 17, 2023 – Apr 23, 2023 – It’s a great week to create better habits that will guide you through the rest of the lunar cycle during the Aries solar eclipse on Wednesday. With the new moon in your routine zone, you’ll feel a jolt of productivity and self-discipline and be ready to take on anything that comes your way. Just remember to take care of yourself.
A positive shift is coming to your relationship when the sun enters Taurus on Thursday, moving into your partnership zone. Relationships of all kinds can start to go a little more smoothly right now because you’re able to connect on a level that goes deeper than words.
However, those relationships will take plenty of work when Mercury turns retrograde in your partnership zone on Friday. This isn’t a great time to sign contracts or make agreements. Don’t let any jealousy or petty competition ruin a good thing, Scorpio.