Sher Afzal Marwat is calling for the resignation of Shibli Faraz.

Afzal Marwat expressed his approval of Umar Ayub Khan’s resignation as Secretary General, stating that he welcomes this smart action. Several other individuals with significant positions within the party should likewise emulate this behavior.

He criticized the current leadership of PTI, stating that the party has not been successful in achieving any objectives. Imran Khan is currently incarcerated, and the prospect of regaining political authority remains distant. Our female citizens and political figures are currently incarcerated, and we have been unsuccessful in rallying the general population for a significant uprising.

“I insist that Shibli Faraz resign from both his position in the party office and as the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate. Only then will the party be liberated from the control of the Qabza mafia,” he stated.

Yesterday, Omar Ayub resigned from his position as the Secretary General of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), causing a significant impact and surprise throughout the country.

The leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, Imran Khan, expressed his gratitude to the founder of the party, PTI, for accepting his resignation as Secretary General in a letter.

Omar Ayub announced his resignation to the party Chairman, Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, on June 22. Shibli Faraz delivered the message to the PTI founder while he was in jail.

It is important to note that Marwat previously asserted that his party members, Shibli Faraz and Omar Ayub, obstructed his visit with the PTI founder in prison.

He said that Shibli Faraz and Omar Ayub, in collusion with the prison authorities, impeded his encounter with the founder of the party. Marwat stated that the Jail Superintendent informed him that the founder of the PTI expressed a desire to meet with him individually.

Shibli Faraz and Omar Ayub obstructed my meeting with the founder of PTI: Marwat

Subsequently, PTI issued a show-cause notice to Sher Afzal Marwat due to his dissemination of reckless views.

PTI Secretary General Omar Ayub Khan sent a notice to Marwat, requesting an explanation for his utterances that were considered harmful to the party’s reputation.

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