Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Apr 3, 2023 – Apr 9, 2023 – Your season is about to bloom, Taurus, so why not start the month by putting yourself out there? Especially when Mercury enters your sign on Monday. This is a great time to introduce yourself to new people, work on your look, or just tell everyone what you really think without ruffling feathers.
Spring is in the air, and Wednesday’s full moon in Libra is an excellent time to work on the fitness goals you’ve let slide since the fall. With the moon in your health zone, you’re ready to get back into your routine. Enlist a fitness buddy to hold you accountable.
End the week on a romantic note when Venus in your sign sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday. This a great time to form the relationship of your dreams or meet someone wonderful. This could be the real thing, so open your heart!