The moon of Rajab-ul-Murrajab has been spotted, and Shab-e-Meraj will occur on January 28.
Maulana Abdul Khabeer Azad, Chairman of the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, said on Wednesday that the moon of Rajab-ul-Murrajab had been observed in Pakistan. January 2 will signify the commencement of Rajab-ul-Murrajab.
The announcement was made following the Central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee meeting convened at the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony in Islamabad, led by Abdul Khabeer Azad.
The Ministry of Religious Affairs has issued a notification regarding the appearance of the Rajab moon. Shab-e-Meraj will be commemorated on January 28 (Tuesday).
Muslims annually commemorate Shab-e-Meraj on the 27th of Rajab, the night the Holy Prophet (PBUH) undertook a significant journey to visit Allah Almighty, traversing seven heavens on the celestial ‘al-Buraq’.
The devout congregate in mosques in significant numbers after Isha to perform special prayers that extend till Fajr.