Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Jul 4, 2022 – Jul 10, 2022 – Start July on an adventurous note when Mars enters Taurus on Monday. Mars will be moving through your expansion zone, motivating you to discover new things. Whether you’re planning on taking a trip or taking a culinary tour in your kitchen by trying new recipes, it’s time to break out of your comfort zone and live a little.
It’s also a great time to make new friends on your travels, because Mercury moving into Cancer on Monday will make you chattier. With your ruling planet in your social zone, you’ll easily make new friendships that quickly feel like family.
However, the week ends on an uncomfortable note when Mercury squares Jupiter in Aries on Friday, bringing some serious communication issues. Whether you’ve read the room wrong or tweeted something cringe-worthy, you’re going to be in an awkward situation. Don’t overestimate any situation, Virgo. It could backfire.