Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Apr 17, 2023 – Apr 23, 2023 – Rage against the machine this week, Gemini, during the Aries solar eclipse in your social zone on Wednesday. You’re fighting for what you believe in and against authority figures. This is a great time to get active in your community as you start to fight for a better future.

Then focus on getting grounded when the sun enters Taurus on Thursday, moving into your subconscious zone. While you’re famous for saying everything that comes to mind, consider keeping parts of your life private as you focus on healing inner wounds. Let go of stress by pampering yourself.

However, this could be easier said than done when Mercury turns retrograde in your subconscious zone on Friday, sending you into a nervous thought spiral over the next few weeks. You are your own worst enemy right now as thoughts become weapons. Find a way to ground yourself before they become your undoing.

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