Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Sep 19, 2022 – Sep 25, 2022 – We know it’s been a rough month for you, Capricorn. However, it’s time to take back your power when the sun enters Libra and your public image zone on Thursday. Use your charm, determination and style to get what you want right now. You got this!
However, while it’s a great time to take on the world at work, it isn’t a great time for travel when Mercury retrograde enters Virgo and your travel zone on Friday. Your carefully made plans might turn to shreds as misadventure and unpleasant discoveries rule your week. Stick to studying today.
End the week on a productive note during the new moon in Libra on Sunday. This is a great time to list your long-term goals and create a solid plan for how to make them come true. You might even have an opportunity to boost your reputation.