Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Sep 26, 2022 – Oct 2, 2022 – After a difficult month, you’re finally ready to get your groove back when Venus enters Libra on Thursday, moving into your intimacy zone. Now is the ideal time to get close to the people you care about, forming bonds that will allow you to finally find peace—if you’re willing to change.
However, these bonds and connections might not be formed easily when Venus opposes Jupiter in Aries on Saturday. In fact, you might have to deal with emotional and financial vampires who are only interested in sucking you dry. Cut them loose today, Pisces. Trust us on this.
Fortunately, your relationship starts getting back on track when Mercury goes direct in your partnership zone on Sunday. All those petty arguments and fights you had last week are finally ready to be solved because you see the situation so clearly now. Talk things out logically so you can move forward.