Pisces Weekly Horoscope
Oct 3, 2022 – Oct 9, 2022 – Get ready for a season of self-acceptance when Vesta moves forward in your subconscious zone on Wednesday. Now that Vesta is direct again, you can stop escaping into self-destructive habits and focus on inner healing. Seek out the help you desire and need, Pisces. You don’t have to do everything alone.
Your world view will also change this week when Pluto moves forward in your humanitarian zone on Saturday. During this period, you’ll be more interested in charitable causes as you try to save the world, though you should start by saving yourself.
The full moon is all about learning to be comfortable in the uncomfortable, and the full moon in Aries on Sunday is no exception. With the moon in your value zone, remember to be brave when things get spooky. Doing so will make you stronger and give you a boost of self-esteem. You can do this.