Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Jan 9, 2023 – Jan 15, 2023 – After several months of feeling stalled in your career, you’re finally able to move forward and achieve your new ambitions when Mars moves forward in your career zone on Thursday. You’ll have plenty of great ideas and clever solutions, so go after your goals with new vigor. Show off your brilliance to help boost your reputation.
Especially as the next few weeks will be filled with passion after Juno enters Aries on Friday, moving into your transformation zone. This is a great time to take all your relationships to a deeper level. From moving in with someone to getting engaged, you are ready to take the next steps, as long as you’re not moving too quickly.
End the week on a romantic note when the sun in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on Friday, giving you plenty of opportunities to express yourself to your partner. Enjoy!