If the PMLN wins power, Shehbaz Sharif will disclose the identity of the future prime minister.

Former prime minister and leader of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N), Shahbaz Sharif, has made it clear that the PMLN will take seats on the opposition benches should independents form a government at the centre.

On Tuesday, he was speaking at a press conference in Lahore.

Shehbaz Sharif said, “Independent winners of general elections are welcome to demonstrate a majority in the National Assembly, and the PML-N will accept it.”

He clarified, saying, “We will form an alliance under Nawaz Sharif’s leadership. The PML-N is in contact with the PPP, MQM-P, and JUI while consultations are ongoing.”

Nawaz Sharif would become prime minister for a fourth time, the former premier reiterated.

Shehbaz Sharif raised worries about purported limitations on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) voting turnout, raising the possibility of disenfranchisement.

He questioned the origins of terrorism in Swat and said that some people were responsible for its spread.

In addition, Sharif emphasised efforts to promote political unity, pointing out that Mian Nawaz Sharif participated in talks with political groups. He highlighted the necessity of turning sadness into joy and stressed maintaining a positive attitude in the face of difficulties.

Declaring his political might, Sharif stated that his party was a big force in the country and that it had majority representation in Punjab. He used the party’s rise to 80 seats in the central government as evidence of its increasing influence in politics.

Shehbaz Sharif expressed concerns on alleged restrictions on Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) voter turnout, potentially leading to disenfranchised.

He argued that certain individuals were to blame for the development of terrorism and questioned its beginnings in Swat.

Furthermore, Sharif underscored the endeavours to foster political cohesion, mentioning that Mian Nawaz Sharif engaged in discussions with various political factions. He emphasised the need of converting sorrow into pleasure and the need of keeping a positive outlook in the face of adversity.

Declaring his political power, Sharif said that Punjab was home to the bulk of his party’s members and that it was a powerful force in the nation. He cited the party’s ascent to 80 seats in the national cabinet as proof of its growing political clout.

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