Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Oct 10, 2022 – Oct 16, 2022 – You’re very generous, Virgo, always wanting to take care of others. Especially when Mercury enters Libra on Monday, moving into your wealth zone. However, it might be very tempting to overspend to buy people’s approval and love. Show your love in ways that aren’t material.
Especially as Tuesday could be a big day for conflict when Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. Your big ambitions could get in the way of an important partnership. When your goals conflict with your partner’s, you might need to learn to compromise or follow your dreams solo.
Sharing is caring, but it isn’t always easy even for you when Mercury opposes Jupiter in Aries on Wednesday. Frustration can come out fast when you feel like you’re doing all the work. Keep a level head and talk about expectations and responsibilities before you lose your cool.