Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Feb 6, 2023 – Feb 12, 2023 – February is a short month, but you’re making the most of it when Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your career zone. Over the next few weeks you can devote yourself to your goals as you develop your career aspirations. What does the ideal you look like, Cancer?
While you’re working hard, your relationship might hit a few make-or-break moments when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your relationship zone on Friday. Relationships can change for better or worse depending on what you ask. Think about the changes you truly want before speaking.
Especially because you’ll be getting pretty deep with others when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your intimacy zone. This is an ideal time for deep talks as you get to the truth in all your relationships. Use your words to share important information—and taboos. Let your mind drift to naughty places.