The matriculation exams begin in Karachi.

There are 505 examination centers for students spread over the city.
The morning session will cover the Science group, which is currently working on the ninth and tenth computer theory papers, while the afternoon session will cover the General group.
Secondary board exams will end on May 31.
The Education Department has dispatched fifty vigilance officers. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in examination centers, and the use of photostat equipment near examination centers during exams is completely prohibited.
Section 144 is enforced surrounding examination centers, and an order has been issued to ensure that electricity is available at all times during exams.
Meanwhile, the negligence of private school administrators has jeopardized the future of matriculation students, since a huge number of students have yet to obtain their admit cards.
Certain private school administrators stated they employed an agent to handle the submission of students’ exam forms and money. However, these agents, along with the papers and money, appear to have vanished.
In response, a spokeswoman for the Karachi matriculation board blamed the delay on private schools’ failure to submit applications on time.
While conceding that schools that submitted applications online may print admit cards digitally, the spokesman stated that the sudden rise in printing requests in recent days had placed a strain on the system.
The spokesman also suggested that school administrators receive admit card prints directly from the board’s website.