Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Nov 28, 2022 – Dec 4, 2022 – Yikes, Virgo! It seems like there’s trouble in paradise when Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini on Tuesday. You are hyper-focused on reaching your career goals before the end of the year, but it can make your home life stressful. Talk things out with your loved ones first.
If you need some help, ask your friends for support or advice when Pallas turns retrograde in your social zone on Wednesday. This is a great time to call on the brain trust in your social group to help you navigate your problem, especially if it’s emotional.
Unfortunately, family drama continues when Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces on Thursday. If you’re thinking about bringing your new partner home for the holidays, you might want to reconsider. Your relatives will have a LOT of opinions on the subject. Don’t ruin a good thing right now.