Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Jan 30, 2023 – Feb 5, 2023 – You were starting February feeling better but stall as Ceres goes into retrograde in your career zone on Friday. Over the next few weeks you might not have the productive energy to help grow your career. Use this as a period of reflection as you decide where to go from here.
You won’t be feeling friendly this weekend when Venus in Pisces squares Mars in Gemini on Saturday. This aspect might make you grumpy and not very talkative. Bad habits can ruin relationships, so try to communicate with an understanding heart. Be patient, Capricorn!
End the week thinking about your legacy during the full moon in Leo on Sunday. With the moon in your transformation zone, you’ll be thinking about what you’ve done during the lunar cycle. If your actions are something you’re proud of, great. If they aren’t, you still have time to change.