Pisces Weekly Horoscope

May 1, 2023 – May 7, 2023 – Family is everything this week when Juno enters Gemini on Monday, moving into your home zone. This is a great time to create a solid emotional foundation and build a stronger bond with your loved ones. You might even consider starting your own family this month as your family tree takes root.
Your worldview gets rocked during the lunar eclipse in your expansion zone on Friday. This eclipse could change your whole understanding of the world and your beliefs. Discoveries made today could shake things up in your dreamy life. You might need to take off your rose-colored glasses for this one, Pisces.
Fortunately, you’ll end the week on a fun note when Venus enters Cancer on Sunday, moving into your pleasure zone. The next few weeks are the perfect time for romance and falling hard for someone. Love affairs could get serious, so wear your heart on your sleeve.