Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Aug 1, 2022 – Aug 7, 2022 – August begins with a struggle for independence when Mars conjoins Uranus in Taurus and your home zone on Monday. Your family tries to push you in one direction while you struggle to find personal freedom. You might need to find your own space to make your own choices.
Unfortunately, that could be hard to do when Mercury enters Virgo on Wednesday, moving into your shared finances zone. Before you can truly gain independence, you’ll need to sort out your finances. Whether you have to pay off debts or look for your own place, you might need some help to transform your life. Just make sure you can trust the people you ask.
Sadly, your meddling family won’t cut you any slack as it tries to cross your carefully set boundaries when Mars squares Saturn on Sunday. Stay firm with them even if it means ruffling a few feathers, Aquarius.