Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Aug 15, 2022 – Aug 21, 2022 – Thursday can be a fun night when you learn new things that bring you plenty of pleasure as Venus in Leo trines Jupiter in Aries. Whether you learn a new artistic technique or a new move in bed, opening yourself to new information can make all the difference (*wink*).
Try out those new moves on Saturday when Mars enters Gemini, moving into your partnership zone for the rest of the year. Love and relationships might feel like a roller-coaster ride over the next several months as you experience plenty of highs and lows. Better decide who you want to ride the roller coaster with, Sagittarius.
However, don’t ask anyone out when retrograde Vesta goes back into your communication zone on Sunday. It might be difficult to get your point across, especially when you go on tangents. As your thought process gets muddled, take things slowly.