Libra Weekly Horoscope

Jan 9, 2023 – Jan 15, 2023 – Your week begins on a romantic note when Venus in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini, encouraging us to take love affairs to the next level. Whether you’re learning something from a partner or having memorable adventures, you’ll go the distance right now.
After months of feeling stalled, you’re ready to get moving again when Mars moves forward in your expansion zone on Thursday. This is an ideal time to hit the road and take that trip you’ve been planning or even consider going back to school. Don’t be afraid to go deep into your own philosophy.
It’s also a great period for relationships when Juno enters Aries on Friday, moving into your partnership zone. You could be attracted to someone quickly, so over the next few weeks you might enter a new relationship or take your relationship to the next level. Just don’t lose your head, Libra!