Aries Weekly Horoscope

Feb 20, 2023 – Feb 26, 2023 – Oh, no! Your wallet could really take a hit at the start of the week when Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday. You might have to pay a big bill when your phone, laptop, or other tech gadget suddenly gives out on you. Good luck!
Fortunately, you’ll be back in business in some form when Mercury trines Mars in Gemini on Wednesday. You’ll be spending most of the day online and sharing your very passionate opinions. Whether you’re sending DMs, flirting on dating apps, or trolling, you’ll want to be connected.
Your wallet takes one more hit when the moon conjoins Uranus in your value zone on Saturday. This aspect turns you into a major shopaholic as your emotions take charge of your credit cards. However, look for comfort within yourself, Aries, not in objects.