Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Jun 26, 2023 – Jul 2, 2023 – Start the week by making a great first impression when Mercury enters your sign on Monday. While you’re always so giving, the next couple of weeks will encourage you to think about what’s best for you. Put yourself first for a change, Cancer. It can lead to a sunnier outlook on life.
Broaden your horizons (within limits) when the sun in your sign trines Saturn in Pisces on Wednesday. This aspect can help you learn about yourself by expanding your perception. This is a great day to plan a trip, learn something new, and even just see things from a different viewpoint.
Continue to put yourself out there when the sun conjoins Mercury in your sign on Friday. This aspect can help you express yourself with ease and say everything you need to say in just the right way. Everyone will be attracted to your charms.