Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

May 29, 2023 – Jun 4, 2023 – Start June with a short vacation when Venus in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces on Friday. Go on a brief getaway with your partner to leave behind the stress and really connect with each other. Spend this time getting to know each other again.
Especially since the weekend could get a little rocky during the Sagittarius full moon in your subconscious zone on Saturday. This is a day of introspection, and you need to sort some things out. Escape the drama of the world to help heal yourself, Capricorn.
Use self-expression to heal when Mercury conjoins Uranus in your pleasure zone on Sunday. Feel your feelings through creative outlets, from writing to painting. It’s also a great day to ask out your crush in a unique and sensual way. Don’t be afraid to be “weird” as you express yourself from the heart.